Room 11
Glen Innes School
24 September 2015
Dear Ms Parkes
Thank you for your help with my writing. I am trying my best to improve my writing. I am following the suggestions you have given us.
I enjoyed writing a information report, attributes and recounts. I need help with my writing and I’m still struggling with these different types of writing. The reason I like writing these three different types of writing is because it helps me write and imagine at the same time. My teacher had learnt what you have been teaching her in writing and she has been doing the same by teaching us what you’ve had taught her.
I use apostrophe and speech marks correctly sometimes. Sometimes I need to help to put them in the correct places.
Next term I will practise writing a variety of sentences. Also editing is difficult and finding my mistakes . Persuasive writing is also my weakness.
I really appreciate your help Ms Parkes. Thank you so much.
Yours sincerely,