
Monday, 15 June 2015

Word Problems

WALT: write word problmes for equations

Today our teacher has given us equations. We had 3 levels of diffculty. For my equation I used the easy multiplication sum because it is easier. I want to learn algebra next time in maths. 


Anonymous said...

Kia Ora Serena
I also did a word problem on equations. The equation that I did was difficulty.
Was it easy to figure it out?

Anonymous said...

Talofa Lava Megan,
The equation was really easy. Figuring out was so easy because it is just using your mutiplication tables. How did you feel when you were solving these problems?

Anonymous said...

Talofa Lava Serena,
Making problems for the equation was fun. I liked how you could challenge yourself. It would make you a higher level in maths. It good that you chose the easier ones so then when you do harder ones, you could get a better knowledge of the equations. What was hard in the problem solving?

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